All Hands on Deck
On Sunday, September 13th, NHI Dallas welcomed Cynthia Gulbera, a representative from Voto Latino. In this virtual gathering, Gulbera presented different ways in which NHI Dallas can help spread the word and facilitate getting others to vote in their own communities.
El domingo 13 de septiembre, NHI Dallas dio la bienvenida a Cynthia Gulbera, una representante de Voto Latino. En esta reunión virtual, Gulbera presentó diferentes maneras en que NHI Dallas puede ayudar a difundir la palabra y facilitar que otros voten en sus propias comunidades.
““It is all hands on deck, and we need to get out there to motivate people to register to vote. In reality, it affects you and your family members, so be involved and informed of what’s going on in your community.””
"Es un esfuerzo de equipo, y tenemos que salir para motivar a la gente a registrarse para votar. En realidad, te afecta a ti y a los miembros de tu familia, así que participa e informa de lo que está pasando en tu comunidad", dice Gulbera.
Gulbera presented different resources and online platforms that NHI members can utilize to motivate others to vote and stay involved. She suggested using apps such as Slack, Hustle, and VoterPal.
Gulbera presentó diferentes recursos y plataformas en línea que los miembros de NHI pueden utilizar para motivar a otros a votar y mantenerse involucrados. Sugirió usar aplicaciones como Slack, Hustle y VoterPal.
“I felt that it was important to be part of Voto Latino so that when it came time to vote, my voice can be heard. We are reaching out to people through text and we provide resources,” Gulbera says.
"Sentí que era importante ser parte de Voto Latino para que cuando llegara el momento de votar, mi voz pueda ser escuchada. Estamos hablando con las personas a través del texto y provevimos recursos", dice Gulbera.
Gulbera explained the importance of staying involved and being informed about the issues that both directly and indirectly impact yourself and your community.
Gulbera explicó la importancia de mantenerse involucrado y estar informado sobre los temas que afectan directa e indirectamente a usted y a su comunidad.
“It's important to to be in the loop of what's going on because a lot of people think it doesn't affect [them] for whatever reason but in reality it does affect [them] and [their] families. It is important to be involved and inform yourself on what's happening in your community,” Gulbera says.
"Es importante estar al corriente de lo que está pasando porque mucha gente piensa que no les afecta por cualquier razón, pero en realidad les afecta a ellos y a [sus] familias. Es importante participar e informarse sobre lo que está sucediendo en su comunidad", dice Gulbera.
Looking Forward
On Sunday, August 30th, NHI Dallas welcomes Bachman Lake Together, an organization that aims to build and unite youth of the Bachman Lake Community. In this meeting, they urge the importance of the 2020 Census.
NHI of Greater Dallas continues to be involved in the community in many different ways. Jesus Sanmiguel went to Bachman Lake Together to assist in creating backpacks filled with school supplies to be donated to young students in the Bachman Lake area.
El domingo, 30 de Agosto, NHI Dallas recibió a Bachman Lake Together, una organización que une e inspira a jóvenes de la Comunidad de Bachman Lake . En esta junta, se habló de la importancia del Censo de 2020.
“We really do mean it when we say that you are the future of our community,” Dr. Olga Hickman, Executive Director of Bachman Lake Together says.
Members were introduced to different benefits that come from filling out the Census and getting others to do it as well.
“Estamos convencidos que ustedes son el futuro de nuestra comunidad”, dijo la Dra. Olga Hickman, Directora Ejecutiva de Bachmam Lake Together. Se les presentó a los miembros los diferentes beneficios que se logran por completar el Censo y de convencer a otros de que lo hagan también.
“It is important that we all get counted because it is political representation and funding for our community. Engaging others to do this is a job or participation with a significance,” Nancy Guerrero, Partnership Specialist in our region of the U.S. Census Bureau, says.
““Es importante que todos seamos contados, ya que es nuestra representación política y asegura fondos a nuestra comunidad. Inspirar a otros a participar o hacer el trabajo es importante.””
As the meeting went on, it was evident that engaging the community to fill out the Census would require teamwork, dedication, and communication. Members of the alliance were educated on how they can help support members of their own communities feel best informed about the Census and its benefits.
Durante la junta, fue evidente que convencer a la comunidad de completar el Censo va a requerir trabajo en equipo, dedicación y comunicación. Se educó a miembros de la alianza en cómo apoyar a los miembros de su comunidad a estar mejor informados del Censo y sus beneficios.
“Having to put [the importance of the census] in words that are meaningful to the people that you are talking to allows them to form that connection and make that step. Build that voice for your family members and community members,” Rosa Escobedo, Family & Community Engagement Manager at Bachman Lake Together says.
“Habiendo puesto en palabras que hagan sentido a las personas con las que hablan de la importancia del censo te permite formar una conexión y dar este paso. Ser la voz de los miembros de tu familia y tu comunidad”, Rosa Escobedo, Family & Community Engagement Manager en Bachman Lake Together.
The alliance logged off of the meeting feeling knowledgeable and inspired to spread the word on how the Census is truly effective to others and vital to their communities.
La alianza se despidió de la junta sintiéndose informados e inspirados a pasar la voz de porqué el Censo es realmente efectivo para otros y vital para sus comunidades.
“I was moved by the meeting and the information. It’s without a doubt that our alliance will do everything we can to get as many people as we know to fill out the Census by September 30th. We will do everything we can to ensure that every person gets counted for,” Isabella Hernandez, member of the Communications Committee for the NHI at Greater Dallas Alliance, says.
“La junta y la información me motivaron. Nuestra alianza hará el mejor esfuerzo para inspirar a nuestra comunidad a completar el Censo antes del 30 de septiembre. Haremos todo lo posible para asegurarnos que todas las personas sean contadas e incluidas”, dice Isabella Hernandez miembro del Comité de Comunicaciones para la Alianza de NHI en Dallas.